Today, designers and market strategists must rely on the WOW effect if they hope to move their products: In an era of countless products and marketing strategies it's hard even for excellent products to sell out without a revolutionary strategy.
To stand out in today’s competitive market, you need to captivate your target audience with a memorable brand experience—something that will certainly appeal to consumers.
The Furniture world is in a constant state of evolution and change. A new generation of consumers is already setting the rules, with online shopping reigning supreme and leaving print ads behind. The number of digital buyers reaches 2.14 billion, half of the Internet users worldwide.
As managers, owners, or marketing strategists, clients are the top priority in every business. The key is to observe market trends – what’s hot and fresh in the Furniture world?
What’s hot right now? "Phygital" A new trend where physical experience meets digital.
Thanks to AR, you get your personal shopping assistant; the biggest source of unforgettable experiences and a sales booster. All in one!
AR (augmented reality) supports the whole selling process, from catching the clients’ eye through research and virtual try-on to brand experience and finally – the online purchase.
The advantages of implementing augmented reality (AR) in your online store include:
94% higher conversion rate
56% of shoppers say that AR gives them more confidence about the quality of a product
61% of consumers say they prefer retailers with AR experiences