Don’t skimp on the creative brief

Using AR technology to create an Instagram filter is definitely something fun and innovative. Do not just simply use the "wow" factor of your Instagram filter, underestimating the immense potential it could generate on the brand, thanks to a precise strategy:

What is the goal? It is very important to predict what the goal of the creation of a custom filter will be, decide whether the filter should generate brand awareness, involvement or conversions. This will contribute decisively to setting a goal and thus guiding the creative team towards a complete and perfect realization of the filter.

• Who is the audience? Determine which audience segment you would like to reach, if you want to use it to attract new followers. Build out a persona for this group, and capture the value you want to provide them.

• What’s the tone? What tone are you looking to amplify? Is it a familiar tone for your audience, or are you test-driving? How do you want people to feel when they use the filter? Be clear on the vibe you want the filter to convey.

• What’s the promotion strategy? The easiest thing to do is to promote it on your own Stories and Highlights. But you can also promote it with ad spend or influencer marketing.